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Monday, August 24, 2020
4p’s on Marketing Free Essays
The Marketing Mix Strategies 1. Item Nokia’s fundamental item is cell phone and it has a wide scope of item portfolio including over a hundred gadgets. Nokia has delivered the main cell phone with the reception apparatus inside, the primary inherent camera, the principal alterable faceplate or short-message visit work, etc. We will compose a custom article test on 4p’s on Marketing or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now Nokia offers different cell phones with shifted quality, shape, size and shading. Item division is noteworthy factor in the cell phone market to arrive at all shoppers. Nokia phones can be partitioned into three classes which is business line, the sight and sound line and the interface line. The business line alludes to the cell phones that have need capacities, for example, availability (Bluetooth, WAP, web association), time the executives applications, for example, a schedule. The media line is focused on the youthful clients with N-arrangement cell phones that empower clients to watch video and TV, mess around, tune in to music and different highlights, for example, route, enormous limit equipment. The associate line category’s clients comprise understudies who don't have extra cash or would prefer not to pay a ton of cash for a cell phone. These gadgets are as yet a la mode and prepared some innovative highlights, for example, web, camera and mp3 player. The market investigates of Nokia shows that the buyers settle on choices as per their own inclinations, the item brand and the capacity of the economy when provided with the cell phone items with a similar quality. In this manner, analysts in Nokia investigate the various characters, partition shopper gatherings and choose what sort of versatile ought to be provided to a specific customer network. This procedure is items situating. Structuring proficient cell phones with appropriate size that fits the necessity of the client and high innovation enablement is the thing that characterizes the Nokia brand. Buyers see a brand as a significant piece of an item, and marking can increase the value of an item. Nokia continues being acceptable at trim the great brand picture by infusing uniqueness into item plan. For instance, Nokia fashioners accept that the screen of a telephone is the â€Å"eye into the spirit of the product†. In showcasing cell phones explicitly, every cell phone has an item lifecycle. Nokia could stretch out the product’s life to 2 years. Effective items progress through four essential stages: presentation, development, development and decay. This movement is known as the Product Life Cycle. The presentation stage is idea of telephone, development stage is Nokia E-Series telephone, development stage is Nokia N-Series telephones, and decay stage is Nokia 3110. 2. Value Nokia comprehend that the greater part of the customer interest for compact multifunction gadget, so the spending plan of the objective shopper for explicit model is thought of. Nokia value the items by contrasting with different items with comparable capacity in the market. Nokia Corporation, which focuses on all client fragments, has a wide scope of value varieties from the lower value gathering to the more significant expense bunch contingent upon customer’s positions and needs. In the cell phone advertise, the components influencing Nokia’s gadget costs are the expense of items, client request and rivalry. Nokia at first offers items at a more significant expense to pick up benefit. It is to repay the expense of venture and cost of innovative work. After a timeframe, the organization diminishes the significant expense for starting relying upon their rival costs and they make less benefit. Be that as it may, there is as yet a huge benefit on account of expanding measure of deals. In view of Nokia is building up as marked so it has the ability to sell items at the value they need or even lower cost when contend with other organization. This fruitful value procedure empowers Nokia to increase upper hand in the market. The significant technique for Nokia to estimating choice is the Brand Life Cycle Model. This model is to set various costs dependent on various life pattern of item. Nokia set a significant expense for new items, medium cost for second line items and low cost for third line items. Nokia valuing based on adequate statistical surveying on buyer number develop a development innovation that an item has, it will effective once the buyers love and buy the items. For instance, Nokia 88 arrangement and Nokia 89 arrangement, buyers who have solid buy capacities treat the cell phone as an image of status. So this thoughtful cell phone has a significant expense and long life cycle and will only from time to time lessen costs since they won't change their obile telephone excessively every now and again 3. Spot Nokia Company, which doesn’t contact straightforwardly with shoppers, utilizes some dispersing channels to arrive at the clients and sells their gadgets through the versatile assistance administrators, for example, Vodafone, T-portable; free cell phone retailers, for example, Carphone Warehouse, The Link; some electrical providers like a Dixon l astly the Company’s site. This selling strategy did in the all nations wherein Nokia has the market gives to arrive at all customers. Organization has made simplicity of requesting Nokia handsets everywhere throughout the nation. There are around 1, 00,000 merchants of Nokia handsets the nation over. Dispatch of â€Å"Nokia Concept Stores†which makes shopper feels that the individual is remaining in the cell tech-center point. At first, the circulation technique was centered around urban populace refuting developing interest in rustic territories. So as to get serious, Nokia reformulated its circulation technique with more concentration in the rustic territories which were recently served by nearby contenders. The new endeavors made in patching up circulation technique helped support deals and expanded piece of the overall industry also. Nokia pick its neighborhood business operator dependent on 5C rule. Nokia will conclude whom to pick as per their capital, validity, channel, collaboration and the board. In the interim, focus on the system advertising and attempt to take concentrated promoting methodology in all spaces. For instance, Nokia picked new channel design called FD, which has capacity to change the commonplace operator into reserves stage. This spares a great deal of middle of the road joins. Through this strategy, a large portion of Nokia imposing business model stores can get the capacity of direct flexibly which guarantee its great post-deal administration. . Advancement Promotion was finished by Nokia to build deals and their exposure. For example, Nokia offered valuable blessings, for example, get an opportunity to win Yamaha bicycles and Toyota Vios. This is to draw in shoppers to buy Nokia cell phone. During celebration, for example, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Hari Raya, Nokia will consistently ho ld an advancements. In publicizing part, there are printed commercials utilized by the organization to advance their items. There are paper, magazines, pamphlets, TV, radio, site standards, bulletins and others. In the commercial, the Company consistently underlines their notable motto â€Å"connecting people†to construct connections, to unite individuals, to work together and convey. Nokia welcomes popular on-screen characters to become talked people of the items. This will draw in more purchasers in light of the fact that numerous individuals will bolster their object of worship. Retailers and cell phone administrators by and large did deals advancement for Nokia’s gadgets. Nokia elevates the item to retailers, for example, Carphone Warehouse, at that point they elevate to purchasers. Now and then they can be joint advancements with a bank or charge card organization. In addition, the cell phone administrators offer battles including cell phone and telephone line are the most famous method of advancements. Advertising likewise assume a significant job in the Nokia’s advancement methodologies. The organization bolsters monetarily some social projects, for example, instructive exercises, good cause and acknowledge being sponsorship for sports, music and TV. Nokia has instruction, inventive expressions and municipal commitment programs in 57 nations. These sort of social relations make Nokia progressively alluring in the brain of shoppers to guarantee positive feelings about the organization. Web-based social networking is the quickest, simplest and most financially savvy methods of distributing news for a worldwide crowd in profoundly obvious manner. Nokia have makes and use Facebook Fan Page, Youtube recordings to pass the messages to a more extensive crowd. For example, Nokia N9 is one of the items that have been advanced. It shows capacities and quality of Nokia N9 with inventive path and with a reasonable music to draw consideration of potential purchasers. The most effective method to refer to 4p’s on Marketing, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
European Commissions Proposal to Introduce Audit Independence Reform Essay
European Commissions Proposal to Introduce Audit Independence Reform - Essay Example This paper shows that following the assessment, the inspectors decide the degree of compliance between those revelations and the required reviewing principles, and conveying their supposition through the review report. The quality and legitimacy of review report and consistence with the endorsed practices of review gauges have consistently been a topic of conversation in the professional workplace. Adherence to review gauges practice is vital as it encourages a corporate association to diminish hazards just as improve its business execution simultaneously. Presently, the serious business condition that wins around the world, requires an unbending administrative setting and consistence to review measures standards, for organizations and the budgetary framework to support over the long haul. Nonetheless, the European Commission considers the worldwide financial downturn during 2007-2009 had called attention to noteworthy disadvantages in the review framework followed in Europe. The Com mission accepts so in light of the fact that numerous budgetary associations were found to have been given clean reports by their examiners, disregarding the way that those foundations had grave money related medical problems. Therefore, the European Commission had proposed various changes to improve the autonomy of the examining calling. To mitigate the threat of any approaching irreconcilable situation inferable from an associate hazard, the European Commission in its report has recommended that all openly recorded organizations should mandatorily adjust their examiner after every six years on the off chance that they had utilized one evaluator to execute the review procedure, and after every nine years when two inspectors were utilized to play out the review. This proposed change is said to have various favorable circumstances with regards to managing issues like irreconcilable circumstance and in this manner improving the nature of the review. The significant bit of leeway antic ipated from this change is the support of expert incredulity.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
The Value of a Psychologically Healthy Workplace
The Value of a Psychologically Healthy Workplace Stress Management Job Stress Print The Value of a Psychologically Healthy Workplace By Allison Abrams, LCSW-R facebook twitter linkedin Allison Abrams, LCSW-R, is a licensed psychotherapist, mental health advocate, and author covering relationships, mindfulness, and self-care. Learn about our editorial policy Allison Abrams, LCSW-R Updated on July 27, 2019 More in Stress Management Job Stress Workplace Bullying Effects on Health Management Techniques Situational Stress Household Stress Relationship Stress In This Article Table of Contents Expand Mental Health Issues The Vitamin Model The Healthy Workplace Accommodations at Work View All Back To Top We all know that work, in any form, has a significant effect on our emotional and psychological well-being for better or for worseâ€"in particular, the quality and psychological health of the workplace environment. As research is increasingly showing, a negative work environment can lead to a number of physical and mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. A toxic work environment has also been linked to insufficient sleep, which increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, and over time has been associated with a shortened lifespan.?? Not to mention the economic impact that the poor mental health of its employees has on companies and organizations. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), five of the 10 leading causes of disability worldwide are mental health-related and the estimated cost to the global economy is approximately US $1 trillion per year in lost productivity: Workplaces that promote mental health and support people with mental disorders are more likely to increase productivity and reduce absenteeism, thus benefiting from the associated economic gains. Employees’ mental health problems and their impact on an enterprise’s productivity and disability/medical costs are critical human resource issues. Employers’ organizations, trade unions and government policy-makers are realizing that the social and economic costs of mental health problems in the workplace cannot be ignored. Mental Health Issues Mental health issues can manifest in a variety of ways in the workplace, including:?? Calling in sick oftenWithdrawal/isolationPersonality changes Difficulty focusing and remembering detailsDifficulty organizing thoughts and tasksOther cognitive challenges The Vitamin Model A framework for looking at how our environment affects our well-being is the Vitamin Model of Mental Health. As its name suggests, the Vitamin Model is based on an analogy of the relationship between vitamins and physical health.?? According to researchers Maria Jahoda and Peter Warr, the presence of certain psychological features of the environmentâ€"or environmental vitamins so to speakâ€"though important for psychological well-being, will have varying effects as their level increases. For example, vitamins such as A and D, though essential for health, can be harmful when consumed in large quantities. However, other vitamins such as C and E, which are also essential to health, can be consumed in large quantities with no adverse effects. The Vitamin Model was originated primarily to provide a more general perspective on how the psychological features of any environment affect mental health and well-being. It has since been applied to happiness or unhappiness in settings including the work environment.?? The model posits that the well-being of employees and that of the organization correlates with the following 12 characteristics of a healthy workplace environment:?? Opportunity for personal control, covering variables conventionally labeled as discretion, decision latitude, participationOpportunity for skill use and acquisitionExternally generated goals ranging across job demands, underload and overload, task identity, role conflict, required emotional labor, and work-home conflictVariety in job content and locationEnvironmental clarity, role clarity, task feedback, and low future ambiguitySocial support, quality, and quantity of social interactionsAvailability of money and resourcesPhysical securityâ€"working conditions, degree of hazard, and similar themesValued social position in terms of the significance of a task or roleSupportive supervisionCareer outlook, either as job security, as an opportunity for advancement, or for a shift to other rolesEquity as justice both within one’s organization and in that organization’s relations with society The Healthy Workplace The American Psychological Association’s (APA) Center for Organizational Excellence is committed to enhancing the functioning of individuals, groups, organizations, and communities through the application of psychology to a broad range of workplace issues. The Centers Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program (PHWP) is a public education initiative whose purpose is to engage employers, raise awareness about the value of applying psychology to the workplace, and to promote programs and policies that enhance employee well-being and organizational performance. Core to the PHWP are the APAs Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards and its Organizational Excellence Awards. According to the APA, the Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards were designed to recognize organizations for their efforts to foster employee health and well-being while enhancing organizational performance. In addition to the Psychologically Healthy Workplace awards, each year a single organization is chosen to receive the Organizational Excellence Award, highlighting the effective application of psychology in the workplace, including practices that promote employee well-being and performance. What past award winners have in common is that they have all implemented a comprehensive set of workplace practices that foster the centers mission and commitment to employee psychological well-being. They also share many of the same components promoted in the Vitamin Model, including autonomy, participation in decision-making, utilization of valued skills, availability of feedback, absence of job future ambiguity, adequate privacy, a good relationship with others, social support, occupational prestige and meaningfulness of job. Below are some further components that have been correlated with employee and organization well-being:?? Addressing mental health stigma: Extending employee assistance programs, informing staff that support is availableEmployee involvement: Empowering employees by involving them in decision-making and giving them more job autonomyHealthy scheduling: Offering employees flexible work scheduling and other benefits such as flex time that help them manage the demands they face both inside and outside of workGrowth and development: Opportunities for continuing education, tuition reimbursement, and leadership developmentWellness programs: Benefits that help employees optimize their physical and mental health and develop healthy lifestyles, such as stress-management, weight-loss, and smoking-cessation programsEmployee recognition: Rewarding employees both monetarily and non-monetarily through performance-based bonuses and pay increases, profit-sharing, employee awards programs and genuine expressions of thanks Because of the stigma associated with mental disorders, employers need to ensure that individuals feel supported and are provided with the necessary resources to do their job. Psychologist Dr. Jacinta Jiménez describes psychological safety as a climate in which people are comfortable expressing and being themselves and one that allows employees to feel respected and included. This is especially true for teams. If team members frequently do not feel they are in a group that is safe for interpersonal risk-taking, motivation, morale, creativity, and even innovation can drop.†Further, says Jiménez, Employees who work in strength-based organizations stay with their company longer, feel more engaged, learn their roles more quickly, and produce higher quality work. Julie Zadow, chief marketing officer of TalentFirst, has spent two decades in the human capital management space working with companies to create productive, supportive working environments to enable the best performances from their employees. Throughout her career, she has invested in a mission to galvanize organizations and leaders worldwide to create a more human workplace. According to Zadow: With Gallup estimating that over half of the workforce is not engaged,most organizations will fall far short of their goal to reach their true ‘people potential.’ So the question becomes, how do organizations move the meter on employee engagement?â€It’s really quite simple. When people feel valued for their work, when leaders work hard to ‘catch people doing something right’ and share praise and feedback widely and often, employees feel better. They feel more committed, they are happier at work, and they are more engaged. And when workplace happiness goes up, guess what? Productivity rises right alongside it. The best perk is the one that costs the least: a flexible attitude. Accommodations at Work The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), an equal opportunity law for people with disabilities, protects those with a physical and mental disability, which it defines as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. This includes a person who has a history or record of such an impairment, or a person who is perceived by others as having such an impairment. Some examples of reasonable accommodations that employees can request include altered breaks and work schedules (scheduling work around medical appointments and allowing time off for treatment), changes in supervisory methods, eliminating a non-essential job function that someone cannot perform because of a disability, a quiet office space or devices that create a quiet work environment, and permission to work from home. Help Finding a New Job If an employee has been working successfully in a job but can no longer do so because of a new disability, the ADA also may require reassignment to a vacant position that the employee can perform. A Word From Verywell The quality of our work environment, in any industry, has a significant impact on our emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. As is the case with any harmful condition, the best intervention is prevention. For organizational leaders, paying attention to creating psychologically healthy work environments is not only crucial to the health of the company but, more importantly, to its people.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Elements in George Orwells Animal Farm - 861 Words
Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, depicts a group of animals who plot to destroy their master, Mr. Jones. The oldest and wisest pig on the farm, Old Major, told the other animals a story about a revolt called, The Rebellion. The pigs, which were considered to be the most intelligent of all the animals, devised a plan and successfully conquered Manor Farm. The animals ran the farm effectively, with the pigs overseeing and constantly developing new ideas. One pig, Snowball, was in favor of the improvements of the farm, while another pig, Napoleon, was seeking only personal success. They were both adamant about their viewpoints and often argued. When Snowball introduced a new plan to build a windmill, Napoleon disagreed and†¦show more content†¦The few who realized the danger were unable to convince the other animals because of the strong influence of Napoleon and Squealer. Another didactic element of Animal Farm is the importance of knowing and understanding histor y. The new generation of animals on the farm did not remember the Rebellion of Mr. Jones. Because they did not know what their ancestors fought for, they never protested Napoleons power. A third didactic quality of Animal Farm is in the importance of hard work. In the early part of the book, immediately following the Rebellion, the animals work extremely hard, and get the farm in even better shape than it was in human hands. When greedy Napoleon became the leader though, the animals were cheated and digressed from their former ways. This is revealed through Napoleons changing creed. He went from saying, All animals are equal, to, All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. George Orwell added many aesthetic qualities to Animal Farm. The comparisons of this book to the Russian Revolution made it a masterpiece. Orwell makes clear analyses between the characters and the prominent figures of the Revolution. The events that took place on Animal Farm, although different in detail, were parallel to the Revolution. A second aesthetic element of Animal Farm is in the interaction between the animals. The conversations and descriptions that Orwell presents make Animal FarmShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1285 Words  | 6 PagesMack Allen Mr.Booth Period 6 English 12/3/14 Author Study of George Orwell George Orwell was a literary tactician who won two major awards because of hia advanced and intriguing use of propaganda. At first glance, his books appear to be stories about animals, however, they contain much deeper and influential meanings. Orwell is most recognized for his portrayal of dystopian societies and how they parallel present society. Through intense allegories, Orwell unintentionally crafted novels that areRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell1397 Words  | 6 PagesAn important quote by the influential author of Animal Farm, George Orwell, is, â€Å"Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism.†George Orwell, a Democratic Socialist, wrote the book Animal Farm as an attack on the Communist country of Russia (â€Å"The Political Ideas of George Orwell,†worldsocialism.org). He had a very strong disliking of Communism and the Socialist party of Russia. However, he insisted on finding the truthRead MoreAnimal Farm by George Orwell Essay1488 Words  | 6 Pages George Orwell’s Animal Farm is a story of pure propaganda. Propaganda is a recurring theme and technique seen and used by characters in the book, as well as the author. Animal Farm is an allegory that focuses on the communist revolution in Russia. Being an allegory, events in the book accurately depict actual events in history that actually relate to propaganda. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Propaganda is a central element to the plot of Animal Farm. Propaganda is used by various methods in theRead MoreThe Use of Distortion as a Literary Device in George Orwells Animal Farm580 Words  | 3 PagesAnimal Farm, by George Orwell, is an excellent example of distortion as a literary device. The story is set up as a fable using a third person objective viewpoint and personification of animals to represent historical figures and stereotypes. Distortion can also be found in much of the symbolism throughout the novel. Similar to a fable, Animal Farm makes use of personification. In the story, farm animals are used to represent different classes of people, from the average working man to governmentRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Animal Of Power 1129 Words  | 5 Pagesand dominance. George Orwell conveys his interpretation of greed by utilizing the aim and the purpose of a fable. A fable teaches a moral lesson to the world and usually uses characters that speak and behave like humans. Early in George Orwell’s novella, an example of greed is provided when the pigs steal the apples and milk for themselves under the false simulation of it being for the merit of the farm â€Å"to preserve our [pigs] health†(Orwell 52). Squealer decieted the farm animals through the useRead MoreThe Impossible Utopia Essay828 Words  | 4 Pagesand then, when they have done their job, enslaved over again by new masters†(Brander). Animal Farm, a farm with animals that are treated cr uelly and dream for a better life in which animals are all equal and independent of depraved humans, is an allegory of the development of communism, even totalitarianism. After successfully driving away Mr. Jones, the cruel, tyrannous, drunken owner of the farm, the animals, with the pigs acting as leaders for their superior intelligence, believe they are goingRead More1984: Governments Attempt to Control the Mind and Bodies of Its Citiz1253 Words  | 6 Pages1984: Governments Attempt to Control The Mind and Bodies of Its Citizens The novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell is an American classic which explores the human mind when it comes to power, corruption, control, and the ultimate utopian society. Orwell indirectly proposes that power given to the government will ultimately become corrupt and they will attempt to force all to conform to their one set standard. He also sets forth the idea that the corrupted government will attempt toRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm1957 Words  | 8 PagesAlthough George Orwell’s Animal Farm was created in order to mimic individuals as well as occurrences that took place during the Russian Revolution period, it is still possible to gain a comprehensive understanding of the text without a past knowledge of history through the exploitation of human nature’s imperfections. Following the publishment of his novel, Orwell confirmed that his goal in writing this fable was to expose the wrongdoing of the Soviet Union as well as the treachery of the true ideasRead MoreOrwell s Animal Farm As A Critique Of Bourgeoisie- Proletariat Relation And How Tyranny Operates1475 Words  | 6 PagesConnection: George Orwell’s Animal Farm as a critique of Bourgeoisie- Proletariat Relation and How Tyranny Operates Literature is said to be the mirror of a society and one of the major functions of it has been to make people aware of their surroundings as well as themselves. While many writers of today might digress from the true purpose of writing, the classics have always held a special place in what may be called as the awakening of the individuals. In this context, George Orwell’s Animal Farm- A FairyRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm1957 Words  | 8 PagesAlthough George Orwell’s Animal Farm was created in order to mimic individuals as well as occurrences that took place during the Russian Revolution period, it is still possible to gain a comprehensive understanding of the text without a past knowledge of history through the exploitation of human nature’s imperfections. Following the publishment of his novel, Orwell confirmed that his goal in writing this fable was to expose the wrongdoing of the Soviet Union as well as the treachery of the true ideas
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Work in Team Environment - 8314 Words
WORK IN TEAM ENVIRONMENT SHIP’S CATERING SERVICES NCII (SHIP’S COOK) LEARNER’S GUIDE Unit of Competency : WORK IN TEAM ENVIRONMENT Module Title : WORKING IN TEAM ENVIRONMENT Module Description : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team. Nominal Duration : 4 hours SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the module the student trainees must be able to: LO1. Describe team role and scope LO2. Identify own role and responsibility within team LO3. Work as a team member LO1. DESCRIBE TEAM ROLE AND SCOPE ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. The role and objective of the team is identified from available resources of†¦show more content†¦it is important to have all team members involved in the work and hence all the more important for all of you communicate. The underlying principle of team working is to take advantage of each other’s strengths in achieving the end result. If you cannot listen to a team member or cannot talk to another member, then you are not following the principles of effective team working. 1.0 DESCRIBE TEAM ROLE AND SCOPE What is a TEAM? Teams are groups of people that share a common purpose, to which they are all committed, and who are empowered to set goals, solve problems and make decisions. Without these common traits they are not a team - they are a group of people who happen to work together in the same environment - a work group. BENEFITS OF TEAMWORK Effective teamwork has a number of benefits - to the organisation, to the team and, not least, to the individuals within the team. The way that people work in teams is just as important as their individual performance. This includes their capacity not only to work within their own team but also to have good inter-team relationships. Working in such an environment helps build high staff morale and improved work performance. In many organisations today we see a move towards flatter, leaner structures. Stripping out layers of management means that individuals have to be more willing to take on additional responsibility and accountability - achievedShow MoreRelatedWork Environment And Performance As A Team1164 Words  | 5 PagesWorking as a team will improve the quality of care and provide great service to individuals. The purpose of having a team is to have a framework that will increase the ability for employees to participate in problem-solving, planning and decision-making. John C. Maxwell is the author of the book Teamwork Makes the Dream Work. He is known as one of America s experts on leadership. He is also the founder of John Maxwell Team Online University. He stated that â€Å"Teamwork makes the dream work, but a visionRead MoreThe Virtual Environment Work Team1525 Words  | 7 PagesChapter 1: The Virtual Environment Work Team Introduction A national accounting firm offers tax preparation services to individuals. T.A. Stearns was a popular national accounting firm because of its superior reputation for high quality of its advice and the excellence of its service. Superior computer databases and analysis tools that were highly technical in tax laws they covered and in code they were written was the key to T.A. Stearns reputation. They were perfected by high levelsRead MoreCase 1 The Virtual Environment Work Team1406 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Case 1 The Virtual Environment Work Team (Summary) T.A Stearns was a national fax accounting firm whose main business was its popular tax preparation service for individuals. The work as carried out in a virtual environment by four programmers in the greater Boston area. Tom Andrews is a tax lawyer, a graduate of the University of Maine and a former hockey player there. At 35, Tom has worked on the programs for six years and is the longest-standing member of the team. Along with his design responsibilitiesRead MoreTraditional vs Team Environments850 Words  | 4 PagesRunning head: Traditional vs. Team Work Environments Traditional vs. Team Work Environments and the Potential for Self-Managed Teams Traditional vs Team Environments This paper will explain the differences between traditional environments and team work environments. According to Exhibit 12.1 in our text book, in the traditional environment the managers determine and plan the work, and in a team environment the managers and team members jointly determine and plan the work. Jobs are narrowly definedRead MoreChallenges Faced By Leaders Are Made, And Other Who Believe Leaders925 Words  | 4 Pagesevolve in order to be successful in today’s environments and with the challenges present in various organizations. Some organizations are heavily diverse, or deal with new technology. Leaders have to work in a emerging global economy. Knowledge management and organizational structures provide even more challenges for teams and leaders. This paper will look at the challenges faced by leaders in today’s work environments, and how different leadership styles work best in various environmental structuresRead MoreDeveloping A Positive Work Environment At Verizon Wireless.1504 Words  | 7 Pages Developing a Positive Work Environment at Verizon Wireless Tyronda Wilson DeVry University – Keller Graduate School of Management Dr. Victoria Ashiru – Managerial Decision-Making (MGMT530) 04/16/2017 Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction- Overview of Decision Problem Problem Statement Objectives Summary of Key Objectives Alternatives Description of Alternatives Selection Consequence Table with Original Values: Ranking Alternatives Scoring Model Weighted ScoringRead More Team Based Organizations Essay1190 Words  | 5 PagesTeam Based Organizations Introduction A team is a small group of people with complementary skills who work actively together to achieve a common purpose for which they hold themselves collectively accountable. In today’s society, there can be several different factors that are associated for a group of people to become a high performance team. For a team to achieve great performance, and deliver real benefits to the organization, they have to be able to distinguish their strengths and weaknessesRead MoreHow Can Create A Positive Team Environment?1352 Words  | 6 PagesCreate A Positive Team Environment By Charles Kiyimba | Submitted On July 26, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Charles Kiyimba Ability to create a positive team environment is an importantRead MoreLeadership For An Advanced Practice Nurse997 Words  | 4 Pagesis a very important role for an advanced practice nurse. There are many leadership styles a person can utilize when working in a collaborative team environment. It is the responsibility of an advance practice nurse to take on a leadership role and finding which leadership style to adapt can determine the success of creating a successful work environment. The purpose of this paper is to analyze different styles of leadership, assess our emotional intelligence finding our strength and weakness andRead More Work Environment Paper1015 Words  | 5 Pages Work Environment Paper Good communication skills are imperative for organizations to carry out in an attempt to maintain outstanding performance from employees and management. Every workplace is unique in terms of their diversity profile therefore, is it vital for organization to create and execute creative communication methodologies that will enable organizations to develop a community rather than just your average run of the mill work environment. For example, active listening, collective goal
William Edwards Deming Free Essays
Mike LaVine 12/12/12 Individual assignment 2 William Edwards Deming William Edwards Deming was an American statistician professor. He was also considered an author, consultant, and lecturer. Deming is most famous for his work done in Japan where he taught top management how to improve design, service, testing, quality, and sales through many of his unique methods. We will write a custom essay sample on William Edwards Deming or any similar topic only for you Order Now Deming made a significant contribution the Japan’s economic status for the innovation of high quality products. He is said to have the highest impact on Japanese manufacturing and business of any non-native Japanese person. Deming’s work also grew in the United States and he received the National Medal of Technology in 1987 and the Distinguished Career in Science award from the National Academy of Sciences in 1988. It is stated â€Å"Dr. W. Edwards Deming taught that by adopting appropriate principles of management, organizations can increase quality and simultaneously reduce costs (by reducing waste, rework, staff attrition and litigation while increasing customer loyalty). The key is to practice continual improvement and think of manufacturing as a system, not as bits and pieces. †Deming is well known for his Deming system of profound knowledge. Deming said all managers needed to have this system of profound knowledge and it consisted of four parts. First, was appreciation of a system; understanding the overall processes involving suppliers, producers, and customers of good and services. Second, Knowledge of variation; the range and causes of variation in quality, and se of statistical sampling in measurements. Next, the theory of knowledge; the concepts explaining knowledge and the limits of what can be known. And last, knowledge of psychology; concepts of human nature. One need not be eminent in any part nor in all four parts in order to understand it and to apply it. †â€Å"Once the individual understands the system of profound knowledge, he will apply its principles in every kind of relationship with other people. He will have a basis for judgment of his own decisions and for transformation of the organizations that he belongs to,†says Demin g. It is said the first thing that has to happen in this system is the person must be transformed. Once the person is transformed, he will see new meaning in his life. The individual will set a good example, be a good listener and teach others. Deming is also famous for his work in creating the 14 points for management. The System of Profound Knowledge is the basis for application of Deming’s famous 14 Points for Management. These principles allowed managers to achieve a better understanding of how to transform business effectiveness. The 14 points were released for the first time in his book, Out of the Crisis. These 14 points are, 1. â€Å"Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive, stay in business and to provide jobs. . Adopt the new philosophy. We are in a new economic age. Western management must awaken to the challenge, must learn their responsibilities, and take on leadership for change. 3. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for massive inspection by building quality into the product in the first place. 4. End the practice of awarding business on the basis of a price tag. Instead, minimize total cost. Move towar ds a single supplier for any one item, on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust. 5. Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service, to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs. 6. Institute training on the job. 7. Institute leadership (see Point 12 and Ch. 8 of â€Å"Out of the Crisis†). The aim of supervision should be to help people and machines and gadgets do a better job. Supervision of management is in need of overhaul, as well as supervision of production workers. 8. Drive out fear, so that everyone may work effectively for the company. (See Ch. 3 of â€Å"Out of the Crisis†) 9. Break down barriers between departments. People in research, design, sales, and production must work as a team, in order to foresee problems of production and usage that may be encountered with the product or service. 10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force asking for zero defects and new levels of productivity. Such exhortations only create adversarial relationships, as the bulk of the causes of low quality and low productivity belong to the system and thus lie beyond the power of the work force. 11. a. Eliminate work standards (quotas) on the factory floor. Substitute with leadership. b. Eliminate management by objective. Eliminate management by numbers and numerical goals. Instead substitute with leadership. 12. a. Remove barriers that rob the hourly worker of his right to pride of workmanship. The responsibility of supervisors must be changed from sheer numbers to quality. b. Remove barriers that rob people in management and in engineering of their right to pride of workmanship. This means, inter alia, abolishment of the annual or merit rating and of management by objectives 13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement. 14. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation. The transformation is everybody’s job. †I fully agree with Deming’s teachings. I believe the system of profound knowledge is very effective system in engaging all aspects of an organization. It takes into account suppliers, producers and consumers and how they are all interrelated and increases flexibility. I believe Deming’s key principles involve every aspect of the organization to improve output and workmanship as well as working conditions, this includes minimizing total cost for employees, improves management for employees, creates a better working environment, and improves output. As a manager, I would use the 14 key principle points in bettering the working environment for employees. It would allow me to better take on leadership and change in the organization, help to minimize total cost and move into long term relationships with other organizations, influence more training on the job to improve productivity, supervise to help people do a better job, and work as a team with other departments to increase company productivity. I have learned that transformation is everybody’s job and it would give me a whole different outlook as a manager. References Deming, W. Edwards. â€Å"Those Lean Years at Wyoming U. †(2011). Retrieved November 24, 2012, from http://deming. org/index. cfm? content=63 McInnis, D. (2011). W. Edwards Deming of Powell, wyo. : The man who helped shape the world. Retrieved November 24/2012 from http://www. wyohistory. org/encyclopedia/w-edwards-deming Madison, J. (n. d. ). Ed Deming A Pioneer and Prophet of Total Quality Management. Retrieved November 25, 2012, from http://www. stfrancis. edu/content/ba/stuwebs/biograph/deming2. htm. How to cite William Edwards Deming, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Pond Water Essay Example
Pond Water Essay In all sections of the paper, present tense should be used to report background that is already established. For example, The cell membrane is the barrier which separates the inside of the cell from the outside. Use future tense for work that you will do. For example, This experiment will test the hypothesis that some anti-microbial agents can permeate the cell membrane during division to inhibit growth. Use past tense to describe the methods (what you did) and results of your experiment. A Table of Contents is not necessary. Use a regular font such as Ariel or Times New Roman at 12 size font and double spaced. HEADINGS Headings show organization and identify the topic for a section or a block of information. Capital letters, underlining, point size, and position on the page help to differentiate rank or level. For example, note how the headings of this document are uppercase and bolded. Use headings for the main sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Literature Cited. TITLE PAGE Your name, date, and title of the paper should be on a cover page, and not on any other part of the paper. Your title should be specific in describing the experiment you performed. For example, Effects of a Variety of Anti-microbial Agents on Four Bacterial Cultures is much more interesting than just Anti-microbial Agents. In other words, â€Å"Pond Water†is not specific enough. ABSTRACT: A paragraph summary of the paper. See lab manual for more directions. INTRODUCTION Keep the introduction brief, but do present appropriate background nformation as well as indicate the purpose of the experiments performed. Make sure that the reader knows enough to appreciate the relevance of the work and why it is appropriate to ask the question that you will address with your study. Always state the hypothesis/prediction in your introduction. Steps for Introduction: 1. What is a pond? 2. What types of organisms can live in a pond? a. e. g. Green algae are common inhabitants of ponds (author , date). b. Just list a few organisms from each group. 3. What factors determine which organisms will live in a specific pond? a. We will write a custom essay sample on Pond Water specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Pond Water specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Pond Water specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Dissolved oxygen levels and pH levels are important factors that limit which species can survive in different ponds (author, date). 4. Purpose of the experiment and statement of the question and hypothesis – e. g. This experiment was conducted to see how the chemical and physical properties of a pond can determine the organisms living. If dissolved oxygen levels remain high then organisms will thrive in pond water. 5. There should be a lot of references to sources in this section (examples in steps 2 and 3). 6. There’s some info in the back of your lab manual that might apply here. MATERIALS AND METHODS You must document all methods performed in your study. Do not, under any circumstances, report methods word-for-word from any of the written sources you used. You need to summarize, in your own words, what you did. Also, do not give unneeded detail. For example, instead of I took up a drop of pond water from a 5 ml tube with a 2 ml plastic pipette and expelled it onto the surface of a microscope slide, write Wet mount slides containing one drop of pond water were made. †We can also see that in this latter sentence passive voice was used to report methods, a standard for most scientific publications. To give another example, one would write Cultures were maintained at 37 °C. instead of We grew the cultures at 37 °C. . Steps for Materials and Methods: 1. List the materials used. 2. When, where and how did you collect the sample? 3. How was the sample stored for the duration of the experiment? a. E. g. Pond water samples were stored under grow lights at ambient temperature in the biology lab for the duration of the experiment. 4. What measurements did you take every week and how did you do it? 5. How did you monitor changes in the organisms over time? 6. You can reference your lab manual, but there won’t be other references. RESULTS This section includes the results of your experiments. Present your data both in written form, e. g. â€Å"The dissolved oxygen concentrations decreased from 12 to 6 mg/l (Table 1)†and in figure and/or table form. You must include your data chart in your report. Tables must have legends, â€Å"e. g. Table 1. Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations†, which go at the top of the table. Figures (graphs, charts, pictures) must have legends, e. g. â€Å"Figure 1. Bar graph showing weekly dissolved oxygen levels†which go at the bottom of the figure. Do not draw conclusions in the results section. Reserve any data interpretation for the discussion. Steps: 1. Tables and/or Figures of the chemical data, qualitative and quantitative 2. Tables and/or Figures of the organism data 3. AND a written description of the data†¦ e. g. The chlorine levels increased from x to y over the five weeks of the experiment (Table 1). or†¦ In week 4 there was an increase in the amount of cyanobacteria (Figure 1). 4. Whenever you refer to a piece of data in the text, indicate which figure or table it can be found in. 5. No references. DISCUSSION Interpret your data in the discussion. Decide if each hypothesis is supported, rejected, or if you cannot make a decision with confidence. Do not simply dismiss a study or part of a study as inconclusive. Make what conclusions you can, then suggest how the experiment must be modified in order to properly test the hypothesis(es). Explain all of your observations as much as possible, focusing on what caused them. 1. Try to figure out why you saw the changes that occurred in the chemical properties (e. g. The decrease in pH was possible due to the decomposition of dead organic matter. 2. You can discuss specific characteristics of the organisms you found and why you think they survived or did not survive in your pond. 3. Although we did not measure dissolved oxygen, you should discuss it if you think it was important in your experiment. 4. Make suggestions for future modifications to an experiment 5. Decide whether to accept or reject each hypothesis. LITERATURE CITED You must include a t least three references in your paper. You must include at least the first page of each reference with your final paper. You must cite those references in the body of the paper wherever you have included information from them. Literature citations in the body of your paper should be in parentheses and contain only the authors last name and the date. For multiple authors include the last name of the first author, et al. , and the date. If the authors name is used in the text then just the date in parentheses is sufficient. †¦(Monod, 1949). †¦(Neidhardt et al. , 1990). Monod (1949) compared the reaction†¦.. List all literature cited in your report in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author in a separate section. Use the proper form for citations. For scientific papers: Monod, J. 1949. The growth of bacterial cultures. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 3:371-394. For a book: Neidhardt, F. C, Ingraham, J. L. and. Schaechter, M. 1990. Physiology of the Bacterial Cell. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA. For a newspaper article: McKay, D. 2000. Arsenic: how much is safe? Albuquerque Journal. July 30, 2000, p. A1. For a web site: National Research Council. 1999. Arsenic in drinking water. Subcommittee on Arsenic in Drinking Water. http://www4. nationalacademies. rg/news. nsf/isbn/030906337? OpenDocument.? They can be web-based, but you should give the complete reference and use only reputable sites (sorry, no Wikipedia and . com websites) – look for . edu and . gov sites. You can use . org if it’s an unbiased site. Points: 10 pts – Overall aesthetics, grammar, scientific format5 pts – Figures or charts of results 10 pts – Abstract and Introduction10 pts – Discussion and Conclusion 5 pts – Materials and Methods5 pts – Literature Cited 5 pts – Written results-5 pts – Late per DAY (NOT per class) Pond Water Essay Example Pond Water Essay Pond Water TITLE: By: Jacob O’Connor November 21, 2011 Jennifer Mertz BIO 101 SEC 3A Mid Michigan Community College HYPOTHESIS: If the pond water is not treated and is good quality water then there will be new organisms and plant life in the pond water ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to observe and understand what occurs in a sample of pond water over the course of six weeks. Over the six weeks there were qualitative and quantitative data found and recorded. The qualitative data recorded entailed: Water color and smell as well as suspended solids ranging from clear, opaque, and turbid. The quantitative data that was recorded regarded: Temperature, pH, Alkalinity, Hardness, Chlorine, as well as, Nitrate, and Nitrite. There were also two views of microscope observations. This report will explain and go into detail regarding the results of the observation of the pond water. INTRODUCTION: MATERIALS: 1. Water 9. Slide covers 2. Soil/Grass 10. Plant grow lights 3. Jar 11. Lab Manuel Books 4. Microscope 12. Nail 5. Thermometer 13. Hammer 6. Water quality test strips 14. Tape 7. Pipette 15. Nitrate/Nitrite strips 8. Slides 16. Lab Manual METHODS: Located in a 16 oz clear glass or plastic jar. Took the lid of the jar off and punctured holes in it metal lids are usually est, because you can use a hammer and a larger nail to puncture holes; where as a plastic lid tends to crack with a hammer and nail. Found a pond that contained water year round. Filled the jar 3/4 full with pond water. Added a 1/2 inch of sediment from the bottom of the pond. Also, added a small amount of dead grass or leaves to the jar. Prevented spillage while traveling, by placing a paper towel or plastic wrap between the top of the jar and then gently screwed the lid on over the plastic. We will write a custom essay sample on Pond Water specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Pond Water specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Pond Water specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Once in the lab, label the pond water using a stick on label with your name, instructor’s name, class section, and the date of when the pond water was collected which was on 10/05/11. Then each week for 6 weeks this data was recorded, the water color, the smell, suspended solids such as clear opaque, and turbid, the temperature was recorded each week using Celsius, the pH level, total alkalinity, total hardness, total chlorine, and free chlorine.
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